Máscara Tribal S1215 – Papua New Guinea

In exhibition at our gallery in Porto

Ethnicity Local Art
Region Papua New Guinea
Material Wood
Dimensions 31 H x  15 W
Function Ceremonial 
Details Elongated wooden mask carved and painted by hand where the polychrome of its colors stands out with a face with elderly features and a profuse beard.
SKU: S1215 Categories: ,


Wooden mask carved and meticulously hand-painted by skilled local artisans from Papua New Guinea.

It highlights the elongated shape of the face with half-closed eyes, thick eyebrows, wide nose, and a profuse and abundant beard covering the mouth.

Máscara tallada en madera y meticulosamente pintada a mano por hábiles artesanos locales de Papua Nueva Guinea.

Destaca la forma alargada del rostro con ojos entreabiertos, cejas gruesas, nariz ancha y una profusa y abundante barba que cubre la boca.

Máscara esculpida em madeira e meticulosamente pintada à mão por hábeis artesãos locais da Papua Nova Guiné.

Destaca-se a forma alongada do rosto com olhos entreabertos, sobrancelhas grossas, nariz largo e uma barba profusa e abundante que cobre a boca.